Friday, February 27, 2009

Exploring the present, to the limit

One of our teachers always used to say"Everything is information". I would not like to name that teacher because of my dislike for her and her snake-like nature. To me, information is a very powerful tool/weapon that you cannot live without, and that information has three dimensions: past, present and future.

First let me talk about how to gather information about the present.
1) This stuff is pretty much banal and platitudinous, but firstly you need to have a very good friends network, and interact with as many people as you can on a regular basis. This much I think we all do.
2)An exigent need to keep all of our senses open as to what is happening around us. Not only the intake or the input channel should be fine-tuned, but the perception should also be sharp and precise. sometimes we do see "see" what happened, but do not "sense" or perceive it.
3)After the input of the information and also after interpretation, we also need to identify what that means, and also foresee the consequences of what would happen because of the current scenario. We have to see the consequences from our vantage point, and also what that means to the world.

The use of some logic is always a plus.While I say that u need your network, the fact that you have something in your cranium must never be forgotten. For there are many sources of yours, or some people you know who spread rumours or bend the information in a way so as to attain their own ends. That's why you need to listen what the other has to say first, and then apply your own logic , observation or even common sense to come to your own conclusions.

For example, the director general always shows himself to be very helpful, approachable and kind person. But we observe that the college is in a perpetual downfall. Now this is a logical inconsistency. For if he was as he shows, the development in the college should show clearly.

The only logical explanation is that the director general is an 'illegitimate rescuer' , which effectively means that he is only acting. He is simply pretending to be helpful, but actually does not do any good.

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